FP ATF II+ is a universal ATF for older vehicles FP AFT Type A is a universal automatic transmission fluid (AFT) for transmissions. Straight cut and hypoid gears in applications where the lubricant is severely stressed
FP ATF II+ is a universal ATF for older vehicles FP AFT Type A is a universal automatic transmission fluid (AFT) for transmissions. Straight cut and hypoid gears in applications where the lubricant is severely stressed
GM Dexron II D, Allison C4, Caterpillar TO-2, Voith 55.6335, MB 236.7, MAN 339 Type V-1 B, MAN 339 Type Z-1, ZF TE-ML 03D, 04D, 11A, 14A, 17C Power Steering, Older automatic gear boxes.
1Ltr Bottle 4L Jug 5L Jug 20L Jerry 200L Drum 1000L IBC